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Contract Hire and Leasing Guide

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Vulnerable Persons Policy

Contract Hire and Leasing Guide

Key Information regarding Personal Contract Hire


Bussey Vehicle Leasing may also be referred to herein as ‘We’ ‘Company’ ‘BVL’ ‘Us’ ‘Our’ and ‘All Vehicle Contracts’.

Customers and potential Customers may also be referred to herein as ’You’, ‘Your’ and ‘Clients’.

Key Information regarding Personal Contract Hire

This page will provide You with the facts, offering summarised information and guidance on Personal Contract Hire, as funding method for Your chosen vehicle. This link details a full summary of personal contract hire jargon / terminology (Guide to Personal Contract Hire).

Vehicle Insurance and Personal Contract Hire

As with any contract or finance agreement, you are required to maintain a fully comprehensive insurance policy until the vehicle is returned.

Personal Contract Hire Option to Purchase

You do not have the option to purchase a vehicle under the terms of a personal contract hire agreement. If You require the option to purchase, then Personal Contract Hire is not suitable for Your requirements. BVL offer and provide advice regarding alternative funding methods if required.

Contract Mileage

Given that the current trend of advertising both business and personal contract hire is on low annual mileage examples, it is wise to check that the annual mileage You have selected is realistic and suitable for your requirements. This is because excess mileage charges apply as detailed on your quotation and documentation if you exceed your contractual mileage.

If you wish to change your mileage profile to a more suitable mileage it is advisable to do this prior to the implementation of your contract. It is possible to make amendments to contracts during the term of the contract, but administration costs may be applicable.

Service and Maintenance Responsibilities – Customer Maintained Personal Contract Hire

It is your responsibility to ensure that your vehicle is maintained in accordance with Manufacturer’s service intervals, and that the service book is stamped and up to date. It is Your responsibility to ensure the vehicle’s general condition, including tyres and tread depth, are kept within the legal parameters.

Minimising risk on vehicle contract return

While the service intervals may vary between different car brands, there are common themes across all car makes and models that call for servicing by dashboard digital request.

What can be overlooked is that if you have a non-maintained contract and there is a dashboard digital request, or service due prior to the end of contract you would be liable for the costs. Your vehicles service manual lists the maintenance items to be performed at various mileage intervals, it is in your interest to take this into account to determine if a contract with maintenance may be more suitable for your requirements.

Personal Contract Hire including Maintenance

Fully maintained contracts cover the cost of regular services, maintenance and tyres within your agreement, subject to fair Wear and tear. If You haven’t opted for inclusive service and maintenance, you still have the option to include this service prior to finalising your agreement. BVL can quote and arrange this for you if required.

Fixed Penalty Notices / Congestion Charges / Fines and Parking Charges

Diesel vehicles

Some diesel vehicles require the addition of ‘AdBlue’ to better manage the vehicle’s emissions. you are responsible for purchasing and maintaining levels of ‘AdBlue’, oil and other vehicle consumables.

Since 2009, diesel particulate filters have been present in the exhaust to reduce pollution and stop soot passing into the atmosphere.


If You have opted for a contract over 3 years in duration, you must ensure that your vehicle is booked in for an M.O.T. and that the test is carried out successfully at your expense. Failure to do so could lead to recovery of the vehicle and contract termination. The cost of M.O.T. testing and repairs are covered on maintained contracts.

You are responsible for how you drive and where you park Your vehicle. The funder is the owner and registered keeper of the vehicle so if you commit an offence, they will be contacted by the issuing organisation (e.g. local authority, parking company, police force). Administration fees may be levied to process such penalties. Please refer to your agreement for full details.

Examples of these instances are fixed penalty notices, congestion charges, speeding offences, bus lane offences and any other such events. As a result, administration charges for processing these events are applicable.

End of Personal Contract Hire Agreement Information

It is usual practice for the agent of the Contract Hire Company to contact You approximately 3 months before the end of Your contract, to arrange inspection and collection.

Alternatively, you may call the contract hire company direct using the contact details contained within the driver pack or on the documentation provided by the contract hire company, to agree and confirm inspection arrangements

Personal Contract Hire Vehicle Return Condition

When you have entered into a personal contract hire agreement, you have a responsibility to return the vehicle to the contract hire provider or finance company in as good a condition as possible, including service history documents / stamped service booklet, all keys including spares and radio codes, all vehicle accessories (included those when first delivered), in a condition that constitutes that of fair Wear and tear.

BVL operates to the BVRLA Fair Wear and Tear Guidelines (a copy of which was included in your driver pack and also available on request).

You will continue to pay the monthly rentals until it is collected. The amount you pay per month may be different to the previous monthly rentals depending on your agreement’s terms and conditions.

Extension of Contract Agreement

You may be able to extend Your agreement for a further period; if You wish to extend BVL will arrange the provision of a quote for your amended future monthly rentals. This would be subject to finance company agreement.

Settling a Personal Contract Hire Agreement Early

Early settlement terms and conditions are detailed on Your agreement, but the norm is that no rebates are due if You wish to hand the vehicle back under 12 months into the agreement.

After 12 months, settlement rebates may be available – they are often a discount of between 20% and 50% on outstanding rentals, plus outstanding excess mileage. Please refer to your agreement prior to signing as early termination can prove costly.

Personal Contract Hire Payment Difficulties

In the event that you are unlikely to be able to meet your next regular payment, or your circumstances are changing, you should make contact with the finance company as soon as possible to discuss the situation. Additional charges may apply for late or missed payments and this may also affect your credit rating.

Contract Hire with Maintenance

Fully maintained contract hire offers you and your company convenience and reassurance, knowing that you will not be faced with unexpected bills, and enabling you to budget company car maintenance costs with confidence and total control. Our aim is to find the right solution from our wide range of products and services and recommend that you compare both contract hire without maintenance and contract hire with full maintenance prior to signing. Contract hire agreements that include maintenance are constructed to cover your motoring costs excluding fuel and insurance. Fixed cost motoring could be cheaper and more cost effective than you think. Fully maintained contract hire agreements are not just for fleets; they are also ideal for SMEs and individuals who want to fix their costs.

Contract Hire with Maintenance includes

  • The cost of any additional servicing and maintenance (including replacement parts) required to keep the vehicle in good order and serviced to the manufacturer’s recommendations
  • Road fund licence for the contract period
  • Provide and pay for all tyres that require replacement due to fair wear and tear
  • Current MOT certificate (where applicable)

Minimising risk on vehicle maintenance expenditure

Contract hire companies are able to spread the scale of maintenance and tyre expenditure risk across thousands of vehicles, which in turn if you a choose contract hire with maintenance, that offers you fixed cost vehicle service and maintenance budgeting with no risk of unforeseen maintenance expenditure. Things like clutch replacement, battery or mechanical failure happen and sometimes they don’t, but if they do contracts with maintenance will cover these unforeseen costs.

Minimising risk on vehicle contract return

While the service intervals may vary between different car brands, there are common themes across all car makes and models that call for servicing by dashboard digital request.

What can be overlooked is that if you have a non-maintained contract and there is a dashboard digital request, or service due prior to the end of contract you would be liable for the costs. Your vehicles service manual lists the maintenance items to be performed at various mileage intervals, it is in your interest to take this into account to determine if a contract with maintenance may be more suitable for your requirements.

Contract hire providers negotiate favourable labour rates and discounted terms on service items, tyres, parts and materials, based on their fleet size that often run into several thousand or more vehicles. This buying power results in lower vehicle fleet maintenance costs, with the savings reflected in the contract payments, as well as offering effective vehicle maintenance administration.

How Contract Hire with Maintenance can save you money

Contract hire providers are more likely to achieve a profit on end of contract sale if the vehicle is complete with full service history, making maintained contracts a more attractive proposition than those of non-maintained contracts.

To encourage maintained contact business, contract hire providers may often offer incentives such as reduced cost of funding or an increase in predicted future residual value of the car; both of these factors effectively lower the cost of the rental making a fully maintained contracts a more cost effective proposition in some instances.

Always compare both contract hire with and without maintenance, as the saving may surprise you.

What contract hire with maintenance services are subject to:

You need to deliver the vehicle to the appropriate place for service, maintenance or tyre replacement as required by the contract hire company.

Fixed Penalty Notices / Congestion Charges / Fines and Parking Charges

You are responsible for how you drive and where you park your vehicle. The funder is the owner and registered keeper of the vehicle, if you commit an offence, they will be contacted by the issuing organisation (e.g. local authority, parking company, police force). Examples of these instances are fixed penalty notices, congestion charges, speeding offences, bus lane offences and any other such events. As a result, administration charges for processing these events are applicable.

What contract hire with maintenance services may be recharged

  • Accidental damage that is the responsibility of your insurance company
  • Damage caused as a result of negligence, misuse of the vehicle or that is not covered under the terms of your insurance policy
  • Puncture or tyre damage should such damage be excessive or if it occurs more frequently than expected
  • Increases in annual road fund licence over and above that may fall due during your contract period

Treating Customers fairly

Bussey Vehicle Leasing is a responsible business, with our customers at the heart of everything we do. Guaranteeing they are treated fairly, with respect and offered the best possible advice is key to our long-term business success.

We provide the best possible service whilst treating you in the fairest possible manner

Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) is a key principle set by the national financial regulator the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to ensure that customers are treated fairly and crucial to how we work.

The FCA set out six ‘Treating Customers Fairly’ principles which outline how to communicate and engage with customers, ensure the quality of service we provide and the fairness of our procedures. As a fully licensed funder and broker we not only follow the FCA’s treating customers fairly guidelines but strive to exceed customer expectations in this area: The FCA outcomes are:

Outcome One
Customers can be confident that they are dealing with firms where the fair treatment of customers is central to the corporate culture.
Outcome Two
Products and services marketed and sold in the retail market are designed to meet the needs of any identified consumer groups and are targeted accordingly.
Outcome Three
Consumers are provided with clear information and are kept appropriately informed before, during and after point of sale.
Outcome Four
Where consumers receive advice, the advice is suitable and takes account of their circumstances.
Outcome Five
Consumers are provided with products that perform as firms have led them to expect, and the associated service is of an acceptable standard and as they have been led to expect.
Outcome Six
Consumers do not face unreasonable post-sale barriers imposed by firms to change product, switch provider, submit a claim or make a complaint

Treating Customers Fairly in Practice

Bussey Vehicle Leasing has adopted the following practice as a commitment to our customers:

  • We always put the needs and requirements of our customers first
  • We continually make certain our customers understand any risks associated with the services we provide.
  • We keep our customers updated in a clear and concise and transparent manner free from any hidden terms and conditions or jargon.
  • We offer clear and accurate advice appropriate to a customer’s specific circumstances and requirements and needs.
  • We place real importance on the rights of our customer’s privacy demonstrated in our Privacy Policy and Data Protection.
  • We deal with and respond to all customer complaints in a professional way and a reasonable timeframe. Our complaints process is here to help you. How to complain
  • We regularly review all internal policies, processes and procedures to ensure our customers are getting the best possible advice.

Complaint procedures

Our customers are entitled to a high level of service; unfortunately, from time to time things can and do go wrong. When they do, we will make every effort to resolve and handle your complaint as quickly and amicably as possible.

Find out more details and what to do if you have complaint about us or our services from our Complaint Procedure. In the unlikely event that a complaint you have made as remained unresolved after 6 weeks from the date it was made, you may be able to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS), dependent upon the nature of your complaint. The FOS provides free service along with a mechanism for resolving disputes which is a simple, informal and accessible alternative to the courts. Their address is: The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS), Exchange Tower. LONDON E14 9SR Ombudsman./complaints Tel: 0800 023 4567 (free), or 0300 123 9123 (costs no more than calls to 01 and 02 numbers)

Firms directly authorised by the FCA have a documented complaints procedure and a copy of ours will be made available to you upon request.

Confidentiality and data protection

As the services Bussey Vehicle Leasing offer require obtaining credit acceptance for your vehicle, BVL will need to pass your details on to funding or finance providers. A list of partners is available on request together with related Consumer Credit Licence numbers.

Any of BVL’s partners that have been chosen to arrange credit will need to undertake credit searches with a credit reference agency or credit reference agencies. Your details will not be forwarded without your permission that is given by way of a signed pre-contract order, detailing both the vehicle and your terms of funding or finance.

Compliance & Your Rights – Personal Contract Hire

Personal contract hire is regulated by the consumer credit act 1974, even though the agreement is for hire and does not offer the option to purchase.

The Consumer Credit Act 1974 defines a consumer hire agreement as an agreement made by a person with an individual (the ‘hirer’) for the contract hiring of vehicles, subject to the following:

  • The agreement is not a hire purchase agreement
  • The agreement must last for more than three months
  • Distance Marketing Regulations 2004
  • Cancellation Distance Marketing

You will have the right to cancel or withdraw from the personal contract agreement for a period of 14 days, relating to Distance Marketing Regulations 2004. This act regulates distance selling that is not face to face and not conducted on trade premises. Personal contract hire agreements are often agreed on-line or by phone with agreements sent electronically (some contract hire companies insist by post for customer approval).

The 14-day cooling off period begins the day after the agreement is made, being determined by the date on which the contract hire company sign it, not the date you sign.

Exercising your cancellation can be actioned by writing to the contract hire company within the 14-day cooling off period, stating that you wish to cancel the agreement.

If you exercise your right to cancel, you will be entitled to be returned any money paid to it by you (or by any person on your behalf) less a charge for any service provided to you under this agreement as to your instructions or request, prior to the expiry of the cancellation period.

If you do not exercise your right to cancel during the cancellation period, this agreement will remain in full force and effect and its terms and conditions will bind you.

Cancellation rights not applicable

Cancellation rights do not apply if this agreement was completed face to face with the contract hire employee or representative, upon trade premises.

Cancellation by handing vehicle back early

Early settlement terms and conditions are detailed on the agreement, the norm is that no rebates are due if you wish to hand the vehicle back under 12 months into the agreement. After 12 months, settlement rebates may be available; there are often between 20 and 50% discount on outstanding rentals, plus outstanding excess mileage. Please refer to your agreement prior to signing, as early termination can prove costly.

Personal contract hire is regulated by the consumer credit act 1974, even though the agreement is for hire and does not offer the option to purchase.

The Consumer Credit Act 1974 defines a consumer hire agreement as an agreement made by a person with an individual (the ‘hirer’) for the contract hiring of vehicles, subject to the following:

  • The agreement is not a hire purchase agreement
  • The agreement must last for more than three months
  • Distance Marketing Regulations 2004
  • Cancellation Distance Marketing

You will have the right to cancel or withdraw from the personal contract agreement for a period of 14 days, relating to Distance Marketing Regulations 2004. This act regulates distance selling that is not face to face and not conducted on trade premises. Personal contract hire agreements are often agreed on-line or by phone with agreements sent electronically (some contract hire companies insist by post for customer approval).

The 14-day cooling off period begins the day after the agreement is made, being determined by the date on which the contract hire company sign it, not the date you sign.

Exercising your cancellation can be actioned by writing to the contract hire company within the 14-day cooling off period, stating that you wish to cancel the agreement.

If you exercise your right to cancel, you will be entitled to be returned any money paid to it by you (or by any person on your behalf) less a charge for any service provided to you under this agreement as to your instructions or request, prior to the expiry of the cancellation period.

If you do not exercise your right to cancel during the cancellation period, this agreement will remain in full force and effect and its terms and conditions will bind you.

Cancellation rights not applicable

Cancellation rights do not apply if this agreement was completed face to face with the contract hire employee or representative, upon trade premises.

Cancellation by handing vehicle back early

Early settlement terms and conditions are detailed on the agreement, the norm is that no rebates are due if you wish to hand the vehicle back under 12 months into the agreement. After 12 months, settlement rebates may be available; there are often between 20 and 50% discount on outstanding rentals, plus outstanding excess mileage. Please refer to your agreement prior to signing, as early termination can prove costly

Complaint procedures

Bussey Vehicle Leasing aims to provide the very best of service to every customer, where our customers feel we do not achieve this then it is really important that feedback and complaints are recognised, responded to and where required, resolved as quickly as possible.

This procedure explains how we deal with complaints and tells you what you can do if you think your complaint has not been resolved to your complete satisfaction.

If you have a complaint about any aspect of our services, then please let us know as soon as possible with your contact details and any details which will help us resolve the issue. You can call on 01603 254070 or write to us at:

The Complaints Manager
Bussey Vehicle Leasing
24 Whiffler Road

Our procedures

All complaints go to our ‘Complaints Manager’ in the first instance; are recorded onto our central system and then allocated to the relevant manager to respond. We will always:

Our complaints system has automatic escalation processes to ensure it is dealt with fully and timely. Escalation does not stop until it reaches our main board chairman if necessary. As a matter of course we will always:

  • Fully investigate all complaints
  • Acknowledge your complaint in writing by email or letter as preferred by you
  • Give details in our acknowledgement letter of the Financial Ombudsman Service where appropriate
  • Seek clarification from you on any points raised where required
  • Periodically keep you informed of progress
  • Discuss as appropriate with you our findings and any proposed response

We will let you have our final response as soon as possible but not later than six weeks after you have recorded the compliant.

Advisor or provider

Customers can express dissatisfaction to their adviser about the product provider. We will establish whether your complaint relates to the advice given, the adviser service or the service or performance of the product provider. If unclear, this must not delay investigation and we will proceed with our own investigation. The complaints manager will review this matter and take the complaint to the provider if appropriate in consultation with you.


The complaints manager will work with the relevant manager to establish the nature and scope of your complaint having due regards to the Financial Conduct Authority’s direction:

  • Deal with complaints promptly and fairly
  • Give complainants clear replies and, where appropriate, fair redress


It is our policy to treat all complainants the same, however, eligible complainants are legally defined and have additional rights in law that we must acknowledge and adhere to.

  • FCA complaints rules
  • Made by, or on behalf of an eligible complainant;
  • Relating to regulated activity;
  • Involving an allegation that the complainant has suffered, or may suffer, financial loss, material distress or material inconvenience.

Final response

This will set out clearly our decision and the reasons for it. If any compensation is offered a clear method of calculation will be shown. We will include details of the Financial Ombudsman Service in the final response if dealing with an eligible complainant and a regulated activity, we will:

  • Explain that the complainant must refer the matter to the ombudsman within six months of the date of this letter or the right to use this service is lost
  • Indicate whether we consent to waive the relevant time limits.

Complaints settled within three business days

Complaints that can be satisfactorily settled within 3 business days can be recorded and communicated differently. Where we consider a complaint to be resolved to your satisfaction under this section, we will promptly send you a Summary Resolution Communication, being a written communication from us which:

  • Refers to the fact that you have made a complaint and informs you that we now consider the complaint to have been resolved to your satisfaction;
  • We will tell you that if you subsequently decide that you are dissatisfied with the resolution of the complaint you may be able to refer the complaint back to us for further consideration or alternatively refer the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service;
  • Indicates if we consent to waive the relevant time limits, (where we have discretion in such matters)
  • Provide the website address of the Financial Ombudsman Service; and
  • Refer to the availability of further information on the website of the Financial Ombudsman Service.

In addition to sending you a Summary Resolution Communication, we may also use other methods to communicate the information where:

  • We consider that doing so may better meet your needs; or
  • We have already been using another method to communicate about the complaint.

Closing a complaint

We will consider a complaint closed when we have made our final response to you. This does not prevent you from exercising any rights you may have to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

Financial Ombudsman Service

We will co-operate fully with the Ombudsman in resolving any complaints made against us and agree to be bound by any awards made by the Ombudsman. We undertake to pay promptly any fees levied by the Ombudsman. The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR.Tel: 0800 023 4567 (free for most people from a fixed line) or 0300 123 9123 (cheaper for those calling using a mobile) or 020 7964 0500 (if calling from abroad).

Email: [email protected]


BVRLA Conciliation Service

If you feel your complaint has not been completed to your satisfaction after completing our process, you can access the BVRLA Conciliation service for free for further consideration under their code of conduct which Bussey Vehicle Leasing adheres to. You can contact the BVRLA using the following website link.

Bussey Vehicle Leasing Initial Disclosure (IDD)

Bussey Vehicle Leasing (also referred to here as BVL) is a credit broker, and a lender.

Bussey Vehicle Leasing is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conducts Authority (FCA), registration number 311252. You can verify this on the FCA’s website or by telephone on 0800 111 6768 (freephone) or 0300 500 8082 (from the UK, or +44 207 066 1000 from abroad). Bussey Vehicle Leasing’s Trading and Registered Address is 95 Whiffler Road. Norwich. NR3 2EU.

BVL is permitted by the FCA to carry out credit broking

Trade Association

BVL is a member of the British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association (BVRLA), number is 7484.

Bussey Vehicle Leasing – services

BVL provides motor vehicle finance brokerage services to customers via third party finance providers. Bussey Vehicle Leasing will provide you with comparable details of firms that offer the most appropriate funding methods that suit your requirements, or general information relating to finance products.

The funding options on offer from BVL are business and personal contract hire agreements and Finance lease. In order to assess your requirements, BVL may seek information about your personal circumstances and objectives that could be relevant in identifying your needs.

Summarised information and guidance to your rights, including your rights to cancel Personal Contract Hire.

Key-Information Personal Contract Hire and its suitability, to meet your requirements, along with details of your responsibilities under the terms of a Personal Contract Hire Agreement

BVL only offers products from selected finance providers that may be able to help and assist you to fund or finance your vehicle.

BVL offers optional products and services, such as Contract Hire with Maintenance find out more about these products and suitability, to meet your requirements by clicking the link above.

Bussey Vehicle Leasing will only offer products from carefully selected finance providers. BVL will not refer you outside of this. You can request a list of funders that provide BVL’s vehicle funding and finance. All the products that are offered by Bussey Vehicle Leasing are optional. BVL may receive a fee for introducing you to one of the approved lenders that assist with your agreement.

Bussey Vehicle Leasing – Service charges

Bussey Vehicle Leasing do not charge any order processing fees.

Bussey Vehicle Leasing do not charge any contract extension fees

Bussey Vehicle Leasing does charge administration fees.

Bussey Vehicle Leasing – Vehicle Order cancellation charges

If you cancel your order after you have signed your pre-contract order Bussey Vehicle Leasing Ltd and/or any third party in relation to this agreement reserve the right to levy a cancellation charge of £200+Vat, £240 including VAT

Bussey Vehicle Leasing – Irrevocable Vehicle Order cancellation

This charge is to cover Bussey Vehicle Leasing Ltd whereby a cancellation as resulted by way of placing an irrevocable order that we are unable to cancel, and we forced to purchase or compensate the supplying dealer.

In the event of any cancellation by you whereby a vehicle has been purchased for you, or an irrevocable order with the manufacturer has been placed by Bussey Vehicle Leasing on you accordance with your instructions, Bussey Vehicle Leasing Ltd reserve the right to pass on any consequential losses, up to 10% of the On the Road Price of the vehicle.

Vulnerable Persons Policy

The aim of this Policy is to outline the practice and procedures for staff who work for Bussey Vehicle Leasing to contribute to the prevention of detriment to Customers who find themselves in vulnerable circumstances. The Policy covers all staff areas of work when dealing directly with the Customer.

Definition of Vulnerable

We consider a vulnerable consumer to be someone who, due to their personal circumstances, is especially susceptible to detriment, with the most significant detriment occurring when “through the use of consumer credit [they may] get into unmanageable or problem debt.”

The nature of our business makes it unlikely that new Customers will be in vulnerable circumstances or that the nature of their circumstance may limit or remove the availability of facilities to the extent that the we might be unable to accommodate their requirements.

However, we remain mindful of the potential for enquiry by such Customers and the potential for any change of circumstance in respect of existing Customers.

Identification of customers in Vulnerable Circumstances

  • Mental capacity deficiencies – The FCA provides clear guidance on the identification of mental capacity issues in their Handbook under CONC 2.10.8.
  • Underbanked, Financially Unsophisticated –can be identified through interview and credit profile
  • Low income – can be identified through interview and credit profile
  • In financial distress – can be identified through interview and credit profile

Assessment and Management Risks

Bussey Vehicle Leasing will not discriminate against customers in vulnerable circumstances by way of adjustment to fees or any refusal to assist purely on the grounds of their circumstances (unless that circumstance creates a situation which is likely to lead to detriment or a risk that removes the availability of any finance or funding facility).

Capacity Issue Risk Mitigation

This section illustrates mitigation actions for customers with mental capacity deficiencies (for the avoidance of confusion, “competent person” means an individual without the limitation presented by the customer):

  • Problem: Language – Customer cannot fully understand important features of their agreement with Bussey Vehicle Leasing, their recommendation or the consequences of that recommendation
    • Solution: Customer to instruct a competent person to act as interpreter.
  • Problem: Other communication problem created by the disability as detailed above from a Customer to instruct a competent person to act as interpreter.
    • Solution: Customer to nominate a reasonable communication medium suitable for their disability.
  • Problem: Mental incapacity (temporary) such as intoxication, mental illness, and/or both aforementioned, plus the potential for reckless disregard for consequence.
    • Solution: Customer to instruct a competent person to communicate on their behalf. Legal agreement must be reached outside of any period of incapacity. The Customer should be encouraged to seek independent professional advice.
  • Problem: If legal agreement cannot be reached outside of any incapacity.
    • Solution: Customer must provide “Power of Attorney” for a competent individual to act on their behalf.
  • Problem: Mental incapacity (Permanent) as detailed in temporary mental incapacity section plus the possibility that any agreement might be unenforceable as a result of known.
    • Solution: Customer must provide “Power of Attorney” to a competent individual to act on their behalf.

Responsibilities of Bussey Vehicle Leasing

  • To ensure staff are aware of this policy and are adequately trained
  • To support individuals in relation to identified risk and vulnerability
  • To provide means of reporting any instance where they believe that a customer might be in vulnerable circumstance.

New Plug-in Hybrids Company Car Tax Hike


If you’re considering a new plug-in hybrid (PHEV) as your next company car, now is the time to act. From next year, company car tax rates on PHEVs are set to rise, making them a more expensive option for business users. However, there’s still an opportunity to secure a new PHEV at today’s lower tax rates – and Bussey Vehicle Leasing is here to help.